Earlier this week, Eddy Cue offered new details on Apple Music to French media during a roundtable discussion. Now, Cue has sat down with The Times in London to talk about Apple’s forthcoming venture into television with Apple TV+.

When asked what users can expect from Apple TV+, Cue said that Apple’s focus isn’t on “creating the most” content, but rather “creating the best.” This is different from Netflix’s strategy, which Cue addressed:

When it came time for Apple to plot its foray into television, Cue admitted that the company didn’t know a lot about it. That’s why Apple hired former Sony executives Jamie Erlicht and Zack Van Amburg. Cue said the two have incredible taste for TV:

Cue also offered detail on one of Apple TV+’s flagship shows, The Morning Show starring Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston. Cue said the show is more drama than comedy, and will focus on “real issues occurring in the workplace”. “On the quality bar, it is really, really good,” he said.

“You never know when you’re going to find great talent. And they’re amazing,” he says. “One of the great things with Jamie and Zack is they’ve got incredible taste.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Cue was asked what Steve Jobs would think of today’s Apple as it relates to the company’s stance on privacy:

Cue also answered a handful of quick fire questions, including one that addressed the rumor that he often falls asleep in meetings:

“We’ve always tried to make sure that we’re not taking any data that we don’t have to, and in the cases where we have to, we’re always trying to eliminate it later. I think nobody really paid attention that much in the past. Now, obviously, people are paying attention.”

The full piece from The Times is definitely worth a read and can be found here.

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