El Camino: A Breaking Bad Film has been released to critical acclaim. Fans can revisit the world of crystal meth, nazis, and chicken shops to learn what happened to the beloved Jesse Pinkman. A lot has changed about the young man since the original series started and ended.

He’s been on quite a journey over the five seasons of Breaking Bad. From being poor to getting rich; from killing for the first time to becoming trapped in a cage - the story was as much Jesse’s as it was Walt’s. El Camino shows a different, yet still familiar Pinkman. We’re looking at 5 ways that Jesse has changed and 5 ways he has stayed the same.


During the final season of Breaking Bad, Jesse was enslaved by a group of neo-nazis. They wanted Jesse to cook the meth he had been working on with Walt and, as motivation, held him emotionally and physically hostage.

During this period, Jesse’s girlfriend was shot in the head. After escaping from that hell, Jesse is unsurprisingly suffering from PTSD. This is a new development for the character brought on by these traumatic events. It’s something he struggles with throughout El Camino. 


Towards the end of the film, Jesse hands a letter to Ed Galbraith to be delivered once he returns to his shop. Ed reads the letter before approving and promises that it will get to where it needs to go. Jesse’s letter is addressed to Brock.

Brock is the child of Andrea, Jesse’s previously mentioned girlfriend. While the letter’s contents are not revealed, it is likely an apology for everything that happened to the young child. It’s clear that Jesse stills cares very deeply about Brock and will always be there for him, regardless of where he is living.


The finale of the film has Jesse moving to Alaska, something he has spoken about to Mike in the past. Indeed, Ed (the extractor) was even going to take Jesse there at one point in the original series but he decided against it, instead opting to miss the car sent to pick him up.

Since making that decision, a lot has happened to Pinkman; however, it was finally time for him to move on. The young man finally found a sense of closure. He can now move to Alaska in peace and enjoy a new life. Hopefully, he’ll be kept away from the eyes of the authorities.


Todd is clearly a sociopath, despite displaying the occasional hint of empathy. There is an innocence to Todd that is fascinating, almost like he doesn’t fully realize the severity of his crimes. Murder to him isn’t as sinful as others in this universe believe it to be.

In fact, Todd clearly feels like there’s some kind of friendship between himself and Jesse. He obviously doesn’t quite understand the emotional gravity of what he is putting Jesse through. Despite this, Jesse’s thoughts towards Todd are never developed further in the flashbacks. It appears that Jesse always saw Todd as a bit of a maniac.


Jesse’s use of a gun has slowly changed throughout the series. Towards the start, there was genuine fear in his eyes when he held such a dangerous weapon. After the murder of Gale, his relationship with firearms becomes even more fraught.

El Camino shows a change in his behavior, however. Jesse uses a gun very rarely throughout the film but, when he does finally pull the trigger, it’s quick and impactful. There’s almost no regret in his decision to use the weapon to kill and it’s now simply a matter of survival.


Jesse’s friends have always been a big part of his life. Skinny Pete and Badger are two of his most loyal buddies. They’ve lived and worked together, selling drugs and dealing in illegal activities as a unit. Throughout the series, their bond has always been strong.

El Camino demonstrated that these relationships will never break down. Jesse, Badger, and Pete will be friends for life, with the two welcoming Jesse into their home once again and helping him escape from the police.


Jesse’s opinion of Walt is constantly shifting based on the actions of Heisenberg. The series ended with their relationship in question. Despite their many disagreements, Walt eventually saves Jesse, essentially killing himself in the process.

When Jesse finds out that Walt really is dead, there’s a flash of emotion on his face. There are signs of regret and grief but also a sense of peace that it’s finally over. Jesse mourns Walt while not necessarily being upset that he is gone.


Jane, Jesse’s former girlfriend, suffered a horrible death due to an overdose. El Camino very briefly revisited the character, but it was demonstrative of a very clear emotion that Jesse clearly still holds. He will forever love Jane.

Jane and Jesse had a complex relationship and the two likely made each other’s addictions worse. However, there was a genuine love there and despite his later relationships, Jesse will always feel like he should still be with Jane.


An obsession with money partially fueled Jesse to continue making meth with Walt. He wanted to make as much as possible and enjoyed being able to freely throw around his cash, as shown during a flashback in El Camino.

However, the film’s Jesse is more than happy to throw away money in favor of freedom and safety. Whether it’s his willingness to half the money he finds in Todd’s fridge or the fact that he’s able to give up everything for his new life, money is now just a material object for Jesse.


Jesse’s eyes demonstrate one thing that has stayed the same about his character: His heart. Jesse has been twisted and tormented, yet he has not been broken.

Jesse remains true to his heart. Even his flawed relationship with his parents ends with a relatively emotional goodbye. Jesse is trying to do his best in a world that keeps kicking him when he’s down.