If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in a hotel, 6-year-old Eloise is here to show you! She loves the plaza almost as much as she loves Christmas, and the two together are just magical, as we see in the film Eloise at Christmastime. This movie from 2003 stars Sophia Vassilieva and illustrates what happens when old lovers reunite at the hands of young Eloise just days before Christmas.

While Eloise may only be six years old, she’s often wise beyond her years, and she and those around her provide us with many lessons and rules for life in this Christmas classic. Here are 10 quotes from Eloise at Christmastime that we should all strive to live by:

“Life experience is the best education there is.”

Eloise is always running about the plaza, and when her neighbor asks why she isn’t in school, she responds with her nanny’s little saying. While school can definitely teach you a lot, there’s no comparison to going out into the real world and learning about life as it happens.

Eloise definitely has a life full of interesting experiences, as she is always up to mischief and going on little adventures in and around her hotel home. One could take a lesson from her that every now and then, it’s time to close the books and go gain new experiences.

“I have my very own room, which I keep rather a mess because when it isn’t, I can’t find anything.”

Many young children do not have clean rooms, but Eloise has sensible reasoning that even many adults can agree with. Sometimes we can just find things easier when they are out in the open instead of put away out of sight!

Eloise is here to teach us that we don’t always have to be so neat and organized with our possessions and even in other areas of our lives. Sometimes it can be okay to make a mess and keep it that way (within reason, of course). You may even find it beneficial!

“It’s obvious you two have feelings for each other, and what better way to show it than with a Christmas present?”

Eloise is insistent that her nanny and a man from the plaza share a secret crush for one another, but neither will outwardly admit it. The young matchmaker decides to help and declares that the best way for them to get over their apprehension is to buy each other a gift for the holidays.

What we learn here is that sometimes when we aren’t sure how to express our feelings, or we can’t find the right words to say to someone special, a carefully chosen present can say it all.

“Ain’t nobody’s business messing with true love.”

Eloise is also certain that the plaza owner’s daughter Rachel and a waiter who works there named Bill used to be in love, even though Rachel’s father did not approve of the match. While discussing it with one of the maids, Eloise gains a little life lesson about others meddling in matters of the heart that we too can take with us.

Not only should we try not to come between two people who are truly in love, but we shouldn’t let others come between us and our soulmate either.

“I don’t think I could eat at a time like this… unless, of course, it’s chocolate chip [ice cream]?”

Due to a bit of a misunderstanding, Eloise believes that one of the plaza residents has passed away. She curls up with her nanny and announces how upset she is upon hearing the news. Nanny suggests a spot of ice cream. At first Eloise declines, but then she reconsiders.

The lesson here? There is always room for ice cream, especially if it’s chocolate chip. It can cheer you up when you’re feeling down or lift you higher when you’re already happy. Add some sprinkles and a sauce of your choice, and you’re on your way to a feel better sundae.

“We need our breakfast before we shop.”

Christmas is fast approaching, and Eloise has a very long list of people she must buy a present for. Luckily, it’s a shopping day for her and her nanny, and there are many stores to visit in New York City. Eloise wakes up ready to roll, but her nanny, who always knows best, says that they must eat before they shop.

While her nanny knows the importance of the first meal of the day, Eloise’s definition of breakfast may be a bit contrary. “I found half a croissant under my bed.” Still, her nanny reminds us that before we have our fun, we must first have our fuel.

“What time is it?” ‘It’s time for justice, that’s what!’

Eloise is always on top of the goings on around the plaza and whether they are seemingly right or wrong. When she gets wind of the latest mistreatment of one of the hotel residents, she is not afraid to do what it takes to make things right, regardless of what time it is.

She wakes her nanny up at the crack of dawn with a flashlight in the face, leaving her nanny slightly disoriented and wondering the time. However, as we know from Eloise, knowing the exact time is not as important as knowing when it’s time to fight injustices!

“I’ve had a rather exhausting morning, and if I don’t lie down this minute, I know I shall faint. Please do not disturb me for at least 17 minutes.”

When you’re as busy as Eloise, it’s understandable that you’d be tired after a morning full of excitement. From scaring guests in the elevator about a mouse or faulty mechanics to arranging a meeting between star crossed lovers in attempts to get them to fall in love again, Eloise often has her hands full.

Luckily, she knows when it’s time to stop and take a rest. We should always listen to our minds and bodies when they tell us to slow down, and we should insist on uninterrupted relaxation every once in a while.

“I couldn’t possibly rest at a time like this, not when the fate of mankind rests on the shoulders of me.”

While it is crucial to know when to rest, it’s also equally as important to know when nap time is over and it’s time to take on our responsibilities once more. Eloise knows all about this, particularly when it’s up to her to prove that Rachel’s fiance is not being very honest about his motives or who he is.

With this quote, Eloise tells us to be aware of our priorities and know that there isn’t always time for a break when the well-being of others are in our hands.

“It’s a sign. It absolutely has to be, but keep your fingers crossed just in case.”

One of the most beautiful and iconic things that can happen around Christmas time is a gentle snow. There’s a reason why people dream of white Christmases and walk in Winter Wonderlands. Eloise is wishing and hoping that her hard work pays off because she wants Christmas to be wonderful for everyone, especially her friends Bill and Rachel. When she sees the beginnings of flakes outside her window, she hopes that this means that fate is on her side.

However, she also knows that fate needs a little help sometimes, so a little extra finger crossing couldn’t hurt. Our last lesson from young Eloise is that we can’t always leave things up to chance; sometimes we have to give our dreams a little push in the right direction.