Paul Rudd has weighed in on the Ant-Man/Thanos theory in Avengers: Endgame, and he understandably wants to know why the theory has to involve the Mad Titan’s butt. Many involved in the MCU universe have chimed in on the awkward fan theory, and now that Rudd has contributed to the conversation, both actors involved in the fan theory have officially acknowledged it.

Plenty of fan theories have surfaced regarding Avengers: Endgame, and with the film’s release fast approaching, one of the more unusual theories involves Ant-Man using his shrinking abilities to defeat Thanos. The theory suggests that Ant-Man would shrink down small enough so that he can enter Thanos’ butt and expand inside of him, thus destroying Thanos from the inside out. It’s now referred to as the “Thanus Theory,” and its growing popularity online has led to the mainstream, where even the film’s director, Joe and Anthony Russo, have weighed in. And, now that Rudd has finally commented on the theory, he believes an alternative approach might be more successful.

Rudd discussed this theory on The Graham Norton Show, saying, “People have asked me if I […] go into Thanos, in a certain orifice, and grow giant size.” The other guests and the audience laughed as Rudd struggled to provide a subtle explanation of the humorous fan theory, and then he went on to question why his character would have to enter Thanos’ body from the rear end, adding, “But why not the ear? Or the nose?” However, he then admitted that, scientifically, this method of entry would “make sense.” Check out the clip below:

Josh Brolin, who portrays Thanos in the film, has also responded to the creative theory on Instagram. The actor posted a video of himself, captioned “The tension around what ‘Endgame’ is going to bring. I can feel it, as you can see. Can you?” In the video, a closeup of Brolin’s face shows the actor in pain, his face turning bright red, with veins nearly popping out of his neck. As the camera zooms out, Brolin is shown straining on the toilet, revealing his familiarity with the popular theory.

For now, fans will have to wait until Avengers: Endgame hits theaters to see if the Thanus theory turns out to be true or not. As fans have speculated, the best way to save the day may just be the simplest; and if the actors are familiar with the theory, who is to say that the writers aren’t as well? Alas, if it wasn’t meant to be, at the end of the day, at least the cast got a kick out it.

More: Fan-Made Avengers: Endgame Animation Turns the Tables on the ‘Thanus Theory’

Source: The Graham Norton Show

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