The hyper-realistic first-person shooter, Escape From Tarkov is a very difficult game to get started in. Containing over 60 different weapons and detailed ammunition choices makes getting into the game a very arduous task. Choosing your loadout and finding the extraction point is the main theme in Escape From Tarkov, but there is so much more within the game that many players may not know about.

Players starting out in Escape From Tarkov can easily become overwhelmed, there are a lot of things going on when you first load up the game. And with permadeath constantly looming over the player’s head, the constant stress of keeping the armory full is very real. Here are five more starter tips for new players in Escape From Tarkov.

Learning The Maps in Escape From Tarkov

This really should go without saying, but many players still just jump into a map without any knowledge of its contents and hope for the best. Learning the different locations is an essential part of keeping up with veteran players. Do your research, there are amazing maps of each locale that can be found with a simple Google search. Knowing exactly what each location holds can make the difference between a successful loot run and a devastating loss.

Completing Tasks in Escape From Tarkov

Options are limited to new players of Escape From Tarkov. They won’t have access to the flea market until level 5 and you can only deal with certain in-game traders after you’ve leveled up a bit. The best way to do this is focusing on a task for each run-through of the game. Tasks are the best way to keep a consistent stream of XP coming in, some can also reward the player with items and money. So far there hasn’t been any other noticeable use of leveling aside from traders, but tasks are an excellent way to keep a player focused and moving forward.

Making Money in Escape From Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov is an incredibly brutal game. There will be times where a player sets up and spends money on the perfect loadout, only to die from some player with a pistol within the first few minutes. This is just a fact of life inside the game. A solid way to keep your cashflow active is to be the player with the pistol. Money runs are a simple way to pad the wallet. Take some limited supplies with you on a map you’re comfortable with and focus on grabbing loot spots and chests. Run in, run out.

Ammo is More Important Than Guns in Escape From Tarkov

Unlike many other games, Escape From Tarkov has a strong focus on the actual ammunition used. Having the biggest, baddest gun won’t get a player anywhere if they are not using the correct ammo. As a starting off point when purchasing ammo the two most important aspects to look at are the Penetration Value and the Damage Value. Penetration Value shows how well a bullet can get through another player’s armor. Focusing on penetration means the player will want to aim more often for the head or the chest. Damage Value players are more focused on causing pain and dropping the other player’s hit points as fast as possible. Damage users will want to aim for the legs of another player unless that other player is not wearing armor, then the chest is also an acceptable aim point.

Death is Acceptable in Escape From Tarkov

With every death, comes experience. This game is full of death and you will absolutely die, losing all of your hard-earned loot. Accepting this fact is the real turning point for any player in Escape From Tarkov. Learning from death will only make you a better player. After each loss players should sit down and figure out why they lost, what could they do better next time, and how much did they just lose. Assess, and return with vigor. One last tip to avoid death is to not hesitate in the game. This is not as stealthy of a game as it may seem and hesitation will get you killed. Be assertive, be proactive, and get that loot.

More: Escape From Tarkov: BEAR & USEC Faction Differences

Escape From Tarkov is currently in beta and available on PC.