As a fan of sharpshooting games, you had a great experience playing games like PUBG or COD. However, if you think it’s time to lay your hands on something more intense, Escape from Tarkov is definitely something of your type. This first-person shooter game is in a whole new league. Even if it looks similar to other shooting games, the difficulty levels and mental engagement will keep you hooked up for hours without getting bored. Escape from Tarkov comes in 4 different editions priced differently, in this article, we will discuss the price chart of all 4 variants of this game and which one suits your gaming needs best.

Escape from Tarkov is probably the best shooting game I have ever played. The game is loaded with features and depicts a great amount of realism in video gaming. Above all, even its solo gaming is a brutal masterpiece where every kill means something extraordinary to the player. But again, to experience all of it, you need to pay a good amount. What’s more important is the game is still available in the beta version only. So, paying such an amount might seem to be on the greater side. But if you are willing to make your move, ‘Escape from Tarkov’ is available for pre-order only on its official website.

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Escape from Tarkov price: How much does it cost

So, Escape from Tarkov is available in four different editions, each with individual price tag. For starters, all the editions will lead you directly to the gaming. However, the biggest selling point of the different editions lies primarily in their Stash size.

1. Standard Edition

The Standard edition is the basic edition of the game. It is available for pre-order at $49.99 on the official website of Escape from Tarkov. The Standard edition provides you with a stash size of 260 cells, and other features are as follows:

  • Instant access to closed beta
  • Digital copy pre-load
  • Basic Stash [10 * 28] cells
  • 1 ER Bayonet
  • 2 MBSS Backpacks (4 * 4) cells
  • 2 tactical rigs
  • One (2*2) Secured Container
  • 3 Makarov pistols along with 150 rounds of ammo and 9 magazines
  • 3 Grach or P266 pistols along with 180 rounds of ammo and 9 magazines
  • AKS74U with 2 loaded magazines
  • 3 Water bottles
  • 6 bandages
  • 4 units of canned meat
  • 5 Splints
  • 6 units of AI-2 Medkit
  • 300k roubles

2. Left Behind Edition

The Left Behind Edition comes with all the features from the Standard edition and some specific features. Left Behind edition is available for pre-order at just $74.99. It provides a total of  360 cells of stash size, and the additional features are as follows:

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  • 1 AK74N with 22 magazines
  • One RGD-5 grenade
  • 1 extra MBSS Backpack (4*4 slots)
  • 1 Salewa first aid kit

3. Prepare for Escape edition

The Prepare for Escape edition is even larger than the other two. It comes with many upgraded features and an increased stash size, i.e., 460 cells. Besides, this edition is available for $99.99, and its additional features are as mentioned below:

  • 1 Kiver helmet
  • IFAK first aid kit.
  • 1 AK74- M1-B Ultimak Handguard
  • Pilad reflex sight
  • An SMG Vityaz or HK MP5, each with two loaded magazines (anyone)
  • 1000 dollars for an in-game purchase

4. Edge of Darkness (Limited edition)

Lastly, the ‘Edge of Darkness’ edition is the grand edition from Escape from Tarkov. This edition comes with the maximum number of features and, of course, the widest cells for stash size. It contains 660 cells, i.e., 10*68 cells, and additional resources and in the stash. In addition to all these, you also get a unique in-game ID and an instant Season pass. The Edge of Darkness comes for $139.99, which is absolutely a big amount, especially for a beta. However, it is worth it since it offers the following stunning features:

  • 1 Alfa tactical rig
  • A 6B43 6A body armor
  • SilencerCo Hybrid 46 silencer
  • SilencerCo Hybrid 46 silencer adaptor
  • A 3*3 pistol case
  • 2 Morphine Injectors
  • 1 M4 LOVA-S Handguard
  • Grizzly First aid kit
  • An SV98 sniper rifle with a loaded magazine
  • An MPX Submachine gun along with 2 loaded magazine

Apart from these, there are many other interesting features and items that will blow your mind. Considering the features of each of the editions, the price seems quite justifiable. However, the Standard edition might be disappointing since the provided stash seems almost nothing when you consistently keep digging deeper into the game.


Escape from Tarkov Price Chart

Here is a short conclusion table for the price chart of Escape from Tarkov editions.


Escape from Tarkov is undoubtedly the best shooting game ever. Although its editions’ prices seem quite high, it will guarantee the best gaming experience you must have ever had. Here is a short conclusion table for the price chart of Escape from Tarkov editions. So, if you are completely into gaming, going for this one won’t disappoint you.

  • Instant access to closed beta
  • Digital copy pre-load
  • Basic Stash [10 * 28] cells
  • 1 ER Bayonet
  • 2 MBSS Backpacks (4 * 4) cells
  • 2 tactical rigs
  • One (2*2) Secured Container
  • 3 Makarov pistols along with 150 rounds of ammo and 9 magazines
  • 3 Grach or P266 pistols along with 180 rounds of ammo and 9 magazines
  • AKS74U with 2 loaded magazines

Make sure to purchase it from the official site of the game only. If you come up with any offers on the pre-orders, it might just be a scam.