Playing the latest Shoreline map on the Escape From Tarkov game? The map is huge, with plenty of vast spawning areas as a bunch of loot points. Here is a well-put Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Map Guide for you gamers to enjoy.

Escape from Tarkov is a realistic shooter game by Battle Station Games for Windows. The game falls under the genres of Shooter, Hardcore, and RPG. Even though the game is in the Beta stage, it got many audiences, especially due to its realistic portrayal of Survival and inventory management.

Since the gameplay is realistic, the game won’t have any HUD relating to Health, Ammo, or Player position. So from the beginning, you should figure out everything on your own. This makes it even harder for beginners to adapt to the gameplay. So in this article, let’s see a detailed guideline for the Shoreline map in the Escape from Tarkov game.

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Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Map Guide 2023

The shoreline is yet another map suitable for people who love medium and long-range combat. The map consists of Beach, Small towns, and a Healthcare resort.

The resort is a loot dense place that attracts many players looking for close-quarters battles. We’ll see this in detail in the next section. But overall the map is very interesting with lots of things to learn.

Spawn Points

So, as usual, the spawn points can be either on the map’s left or right side. The game will push players towards the opposite direction of their spawn location for extraction.

Since the map is huge, spawns are widely spaced. You can pretty much spawn anywhere on the map except the centre portion. Mostly the spawns are located at the corners of the map, for instance, towards the shoreline (Beach).

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Points of reference

Since no HUD maps and location systems are available in this game, you have to figure out your position using references. You can find plenty of them on the map to know your location.


The main reference point would be the Beach, of course. The beach is visible even when you’re far from it, and you climb over anything that is reasonably tall.


  • If you’re near Shoreline, Lighthouse, that means you’re in the top left corner of the map; it means you’re in the bottom left corner.
  • For the top left corner, you should see swampy areas with many run-down buildings. Although if you walk through those swamps, it will limit your walking speed to a greater extent.
  • If you see a Radio tower or a Radar tower, you’re at the bottom right corner of the map. These towers are visible even from a good distance.
  • Although for players spawning in the top parts of the map, the resort will be the main reference point. Since the resort will be visible easily, even from a distance.
  • Telephone lines (Power lines?) run across the map. So if you find any of these lines, it would help you get to other reference points. They all lead to the power station.

Choke Points

As far as chokepoints go, there aren’t many since this is not a small map. Despite this, three main points are considered with higher SCAV or player concentration.

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  • The resort will likely have multiple visitors due to the loots available.
  • North River Bridge, which is the main way to cross the river.
  • South river bridge. This is the primary point to cross the river in the south portion of the map (through the power station).

The Health Resort

The resort consists of three parts (wings), east and west wings in the front and the back’s admin wing. There are three floors to the left and right wings, along with a basement. Again there are two floors in the admin wing with a basement as well. The resort consists of many locked rooms and many non-locked rooms.

Power Station

The power station is another choke point on this map. With many SCAV spawn and PVP battles, this is a place you should visit if you want some serious fights.


A lot of the rooms have loots in them; you can go in loot most of them. These rooms consist of High tier and military-grade loot. There are individual loot sheets and maps for each resort’s floors.

But explaining them would make this guide more lengthy and in-depth, rendering it non-friendly for beginners. But if you’ve mastered the gameplay, learning each floor in the resort will surely be beneficial.

Also, you can find some keys spawned here to use in the resort. Some other loots can also be found here. Although you can skip this point by taking the road towards the southernmost part of the map by the gas station. Choose according to your game style.

Extraction points

As usual, there are some permanent and variable extraction points. First, let’s see some permanent extraction points.

West-Spwaned players

Road to customs. You can find this Southeast corner of the map. Just follow the southern coastal road towards the east side, you’ll find the exit.

East-Spawned player

Wrecked Road Tunnel: Similarly, follow the road towards the west, and you’ll find this tunnel. For both of these extracts, the road is the key point. If you find the road, you can simply get extracted.

Potential Extractions

Peer boat and Rock passage: These are one-time extracts. That means you should be first to get there to get extracted.

The rock passage will be a good point of extraction if you’re tired from fighting in the resort or wounded. Just look for green smoke above the place. If you see it, then you’re good to go.

Also read: Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Guide.

CCP temporary: This extraction point will also appear for some players. However, you should check that there are lights in the area. If there are no lights, then the extraction point isn’t open.

Gameplay adaptions

As discussed early, there are many ways to play this map. Hence the flow of the map is not restricted to any particular style. Although you can try the one that suits you out of the following.

  • Long-range with a sniper rifle (mostly towards the bottom portion of the map.)
  • Push for loot and PVP battles (Towards the resort, which is the main place people are rushing.)


Although, there was no info about the SCAV boss on this map at the time of release. But later, the info was added to the game wiki page. The boss is called a Sanitor wandering along the Port or Pier Area mostly. Also, you can spot him in the Locked cottage area or Health resort east and west wing areas. He has the Sanitor Bag as his unique equipment, along with two heavily armored guards following him.


So as you can see, the shoreline is an overall good map for Medium to long-range battles. Given its size, this map should be good for beginners and novice players because there are no instant spawn fights. This Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Map guide should help you get started with some basic stuff.