Outlander is famous for combining steamy romance with historical drama. Since 2014, the show has managed to illustrate an intimate romance between a woman out of time and a man from the 18th Century’s Scottish Highlands, all while teaching a wide audience about the struggles of the Scottish against the expansionist English. While Jamie and Claire is the show’s principal BF and GF, the TV series is not short of couples and nor is it short of BF candidates.

This article will list the 10 most BF worthy Outlander characters. This list, however, will not just focus on the most attractive people on the show, instead, it will focus on the heart of the character.


Murtagh is Jamie’s tough and loyal Godfather. While Murtagh isn’t exactly the most well-groomed character on the show, he has a heart of gold beneath his tough, highlander exterior. After you’ve managed to get past the grumpy and tough outer shell, you will find an honorable man who is incredibly loyal. Additionally, you will also find a character with a unique and dry sense of humor.

Also, while you may at first be put off by the gruff-looking Scotsman, beneath all the hair is a very attractive man indeed (he just needs to trim the beard a bit).

Yi Tien Cho

While Yi Tien Cho may not be as handsome as some others on this list, he is certainly talented with his words. Yi Tien Cho, or Mr. Willoughby, is a Chinese exile living in Edinburgh. What makes Yi Tien Cho potentially attractive as a BF is his ability to woo. This comes from the fact that Yi Tien Cho was a notable poet in China, but had to flee the country as he did not want to be made a eunuch in service of the Emperor.

A notable downside to Yi Tien Cho, however, is the fact that he makes it clear he has a fetish for women’s feet. Although, if this is not a dealbreaker, you will be able to date an imperial poet!

Joe Abernathy

Joe Abernathy is, possibly, the nicest man in Outlander. Not only is he the closest thing to ‘pure of heart’ in the show, but he is also a great catch as a doctor. We can also gather from his character that he is incredibly tenacious and motivated, due to the fact that he became a doctor despite being a minority in the prejudiced 1950s.

The fact that Joe is a handsome, intelligent, and funny doctor makes him the easiest addition to this list, except for Jamie of course.

Lord John Grey

Lord John Grey is one of the few English officers in the show to be seen as a good man. In the books, Claire describes Lord Grey as an honorable man who is kind and sensitive to others. This puts him in sharp contrast with other English officers in the show, such as Black Jack Randall.

While Lord John Grey is off-limits to the women due to the fact that he is a closeted homosexual, he would still make a perfect BF for the men. It is a shame that we never got to see Jamie and John have a summer fling.

Ian Murray

Ian is another of the Highland’s model guys, both in looks and in personality. He is a family man who will stop at nothing to make sure that his family is protected and are as happy as can be. He is not the kind of man with whom you could have a wild, love fuelled affair but he is certainly a down to Earth and reliable person who will always have your back regardless of the situation, even if you’re on the run from the English!

Frank Randall

This could be a controversial addition to the list due to his actions after Claire returned from the stones. That being said, if we were talking about the book character then Frank would definitely not have made this list. In the books, Frank is racist and sexist with very few redeeming qualities.

However, in the show, Frank has certain features which make him more likable. While Frank is certainly a flawed character, he is also shown to be caring and loving to Claire. He wouldn’t give up on her when she went missing and kept searching for her, even though everyone else told him it was pointless. Furthermore, he also raised Jamie’s child, knowing it wasn’t his. Before the events of season 2, Frank Randall was a real catch.

Ned Gowan

Ned Gowan’s inclusion to this list may come as a surprise to some viewers of the show, but Ned is certainly a kind and intelligent man. Whenever either Jamie or Claire are in any form of legal trouble, he always offers it even though he may not get anything in return. Perhaps his most iconic moment was his passionate and intelligent defense of Claire during her witch trial.

In addition to being consistently reliable, he is also a man of great humor. While it is true that he is older than most on this list, maybe you’d be lucky enough to take the stones to a time in which Ned was a young man.

Even if he may not make it as your BF, he will certainly be a fantastic BFF.

Roger Wakefield

Roger is only the third modern man to make this list, but he is possibly the cutest. Roger is a very intelligent character who has a keen interest in Scottish history, as well as folk songs from Scotland. Perhaps because of his scholarly interest in history, Roger is also extremely curious and this can be seen in his interactions with Claire in season 2.

That being said, perhaps Roger’s most attractive feature is his humor. The young Scottish man has a fantastic sense of humor that can often be cheeky and mischievous, particularly with Brianna.


Fergus is a character who has certainly benefited from Jamie’s guidance. Due to the guidance and tutelage of Jamie, Fergus has matured into a charming, kind, and honorable man. While it is true that he only has one hand (due to a rash action that is certainly reminiscent of Jamie), this just means that he really knows how to use his only hand.

If the fact that Fergus is attractive, kind and charming is not enough for you, he also has an accent that is the perfect mix of both French and Scottish.

Jamie Fraser

Everyone who’s seen Outlander was expecting Jamie Fraser to top this list. Not only is Jamie incredibly handsome, intelligent, and ripped, but he has also shown himself to be very honorable and brave. He always attempts to live his life by a strict moral code and he certainly sticks to that, even if it does not benefit himself. This can be seen most clearly in his insistence to fight at the Battle of Culloden, despite knowing the outcome.

That being said, there are times when it is clear that Jamie’s moral code is outdated (such as when he sees Brianna in a bikini), but he is fairly self-aware of this and always tries to make concessions to Claire. Speaking of his relationship with Claire, he has risked his life countless times to try and save her and always puts her before himself. There is no doubt that you will feel safe in Jamie’s hulking arms.