Mark Hamill, the actor known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise, played other characters in the Star Wars universe apart from the legendary Jedi Master from the original trilogy. While Hamill is especially known for voicing the Joker in various Batman films and video games, he’s also voiced lesser known characters in both the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

While he has had an exemplary career as a voice actor, Hamill is best known for portraying the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker in George Lucas’s original Star Wars trilogy, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Since the original trilogy debuted in 1977, Hamill has since reprised the role in the sequel trilogy, which began with J.J. Abram’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens and concluded with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

While Hamill’s role as Luke Skywalker stands out as his most significant Star Wars part, he has also played minor characters within the Star Wars franchise, including a Sith Lord and two alien creatures. Here’s who they are.

Darth Bane

Mark Hamill briefly exchanged his Jedi roots for the dark side when he voiced the Sith Lord and founder of the modern Sith Darth Bane in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While Darth Bane lived nearly a thousand years before the start of the Clone Wars, he makes an appearance in a vision presented to Jedi Master Yoda (Tom Kane) when he visits Moraband, the home planet of the ancient Sith, during season 6, episode 13, “Sacrifice”. As Yoda ventures into Darth Bane’s tomb, the ghost of the Sith Lord tries to tempt the Jedi Master to the dark side, promising him the gift of immortality. Yoda, not falling for the vision’s temptations, expels the ghost of Darth Bane back into his tomb.


While it may seem like a small role, Hamill voiced an alien character in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, who made more of an impact than it may first appear. Boolio, an Ovissian miner who was supportive of the Resistance, appears in the opening scenes of The Rise of Skywalker and informs Finn (John Boyega) of a spy within the First Order. Since Boolio provides R2-D2 with the data file that tells the Resistance of Palpatine’s (Ian McDiarmid) return and his plans to outfit the First Order with a fleet of ships, Boolio essentially kick-started the plot of the film, informing the Resistance of Palpatine’s plans and initiating their journey to Exegol. Despite the large part Boolio played in helping the Resistance, he was unfortunately decapitated by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) when he was discovered after the Millennium Falcon took off with the data file.

Dobbu Scay

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Hamill voiced the drunken gambler Dobbu Scay, who is briefly featured in the scenes involving the Canto Bight casino. Dobbu Scay will most likely be remembered as the tiny drunken alien that mistakes the droid BB-8 for a lugjack machine, and continuously slides coins into random slots on BB-8’s body. When Finn and Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) unleash a herd of fathiers that run wild in the casino, Dobbu Scay can be seen once more, joyously rolling in the coins on the floor that have fallen from one of the casino tables.

Unlike Hamill’s past voice roles, Dobbu Scay is unique since Hamill did a lot of leg work for it - literally. The actor took part in the physical filming for the CGI character by wearing a full-motion capture suit alongside a giant-sized medicine ball to reduce his size to BB-8’s height. While Luke Skywalker will always stand out as Mark Hamill’s best role in the Star Wars franchise, these minor parts not only showcase Hamill’s wide range as an actor, but his devotion to the Star Wars fans and to the series that launched his career. 

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