It’s almost time to say a permanent goodbye to The CW’s Supernatural, and yet fans have had more than dozens of climactic episodes in the series. Since the show has been on for a decade and a half, we’ve had fourteen season finales before the inevitable series finale.

What better way to prepare yourself for the last finale ever on Supernatural than watching all the previous ones? Since quality is premium, we’ve put together the finales based on their IMDb score, and you can binge-watch these episodes to remind yourself how Supernatural has done a great job in season finales.

Season 11 - “Alpha And Omega” - 8.5

The plan to have Dean kill the Darkness in a suicidal mission is subverted when he convinces her to make up with God and ensure the universe’s existence. However, Chuck and Amara’s departure sets off long-term consequences.

Easily the least action-oriented finale in the series, Season 11’s final episode didn’t do wonders, and was seen as rather anticlimactic as things were resolved very easily, although Mary Winchester’s return garnered intrigue.

Season 13 - “Let The Good Times Roll” - 8.6

The heroes’ return from the Apocalypse World doesn’t go as planned as Lucifer brings back Alternate Michael with him, only to steal Jack’s grace. This leads to Dean harboring Michael’s power and engaging in a final battle with the Devil.

We’ve seen many funny things in Supernatural, but Dean’s fight with Lucifer has to be funnier than most as this battle sucked out a lot of drama in the episode. The plus points were Jack’s dynamics with each character.

Season 12 - “All Along The Watchtower” - 8.9

The impending birth of Lucifer’s son opens up a rift between the main universe and an alternate one. As the heroes try to stop Lucifer from acquiring this child, they experience major losses to their allies. 

While the season itself was among the worst on the show, the finale did prove to be much better by doing away with the British Men of Letters and making action and fantasy elements its priority.

Season 7 - “Survival Of The Fittest” - 8.9

Just when Dick Roman and the Leviathans create the slickest way toward genocide, the heroes arrive at SucroCorp with the one weapon that is able to kill Dick. This last stand comes with several surprises and betrayals.

While the final confrontation was rather brief, we did get one of the better kills from Dean, along with a fitting conclusion to the Leviathan arc that had dominated Season 7. With the return of Crowley and Castiel’s larger role, the finale was worth a watch.

Season 6 - “The Man Who Knew Too Much” - 9.0

After tirelessly finding the location to Purgatory and bringing together the ingredients to open up the portal to the realm, Castiel, Crowley, and Raphael race to be the first to pick up Purgatory’s souls. Meanwhile, Sam is haunted by visions of his own tortured soul in Hell. This finale was lauded for keeping the tension high throughout, especially considering it had all the storylines in the season coming together at the same time.

Season 10 - “Brother’s Keeper” - 9.1

When there’s no other option for Dean to overcome the madness the Mark of Cain brings, he asks Death to send him away to another world. In order to stop this, Sam tries to reach out to his brother while carrying on work to have the Mark removed permanently.

Being a quieter episode, the finale focused on Sam and Dean’s bond more than anything else. This was always going to be a good thing, as we saw how Sam’s influence could always change Dean’s mind.

Season 9 - “Do You Believe In Miracles?” - 9.3

Armed with the First Blade and powered by the Mark of Cain, Dean faces off against Metatron, who is endowed with godlike powers from the Angel tablet. However, things end in tragedy as the Mark brings Dean back from the dead in the worst way possible.

The finale had to do with Metatron’s quest for power and Dean’s struggle with acquiring the First Blade, and the final twist with him becoming a demon has gone down as one of Supernatural’s biggest moments.

Season 1 - “Devil’s Trap” - 9.3

Sam and Dean’s pursuit of the Yellow-eyed demon comes to its built-up confrontation as the demon proves himself to the most powerful creature the boys have ever faced. With their father in the demon’s possession, the family faces this foe.

At the time, this was as big as Supernatural could get, and the menacing Azazel’s first full appearance remains a chilling introduction that brought the best out of the heroes.

Season 8 - “Sacrifice” - 9.3

Crowley is forced to undergo the process of being cured of his demonic nature by Sam, whose condition slowly deteriorates with each passing hour. Meanwhile, Castiel is betrayed by Metatron as the latter causes every angel to fall from Heaven.

This finale proved how a slower-paced episode could work as a conclusion of a season, with Dean’s impassioned plea for Sam not to go through with curing Crowley being the standout moment. Also, the shot of all the angels falling will always be awe-inspiring.

Season 14 - “Moriah” - 9.3

Chuck returns to hand Dean the Equalizer, a gun capable of killing Jack. Since Dean is looking for revenge against Jack for accidentally taking his mother’s life, he’s willing to go through with it, while Castiel and Sam try to stop him.

The revelation that God was the true antagonist of the series shook up Supernatural forever, and brought everything that had previously happened in context. With Jack being fans’ favorite by this point, the finale had everyone on the edge of their seats.

Season 3 - “No Rest For The Wicked” - 9.4

With time running dangerously low on Dean’s one-year contract - which would result in him going to Hell - the brothers race to confront the demon queen Lilith, who’s busy terrorizing a hapless family by possessing their young daughter. 

Genuinely scary, having a heartbreaking ending, and being all-around entertaining, the third season finale proved how Supernatural could keep upping the ante in its climactic moments. Despite the years that have passed, you still can’t watch without getting emotional.

Season 4 - Lucifer Rising - 9.4

Ruby’s manipulation of Sam has him becoming addicted to demon blood, while Dean is convinced by Bobby to reconcile with Sam and prevent him from killing Lilith. As this would snap the last seal holding Lucifer in Hell, crunch time arrives. 

The stakes had never been higher on Supernatural before, and this episode made fans feel the anticipation in the air, as Lucifer’s impending arrival and the struggles to stop that from happening was heart-pounding, to say the least.

Season 2 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 - 9.5

Azazel’s plans to have the Hell’s gate opened to release thousands of demons comes to fruition. With Dean making a deal for his soul to resurrect Sam, the brothers make their final move against Azazel to kill him once and for all.

The second part of the finale was charged up right from the start, as we saw the boys put up a united front and finish Azazel’s threat. The sight of John’s returning soul and Sam’s grief at Dean’s deal to go to Hell make this a well-rounded finale.

Season 5 - Swan Song - 9.7

The apocalypse comes to its fated conclusion with Michael and Lucifer meeting for their explosive battle. However, Dean interrupts proceedings to appeal to Sam, who’s possessed by Lucifer, as a heartbreaking sacrifice splits the brothers apart.

“Swan Song” is considered as one of the greatest finales ever in TV history, and for good reason too, seeing as it tugged on fans’ heartstrings by showing the deep love Sam and Dean had for each other. The episode is considered the peak of the show, with hardly a dry eye left after the story’s conclusion.