The wand chooses the wizard. Everyone who grew up on the Harry Potter series longed to hear this quote from the one and only Ollivander. We’ve all taken the Pottermore tests and pestered Universal Studios Parks & Resorts workers as to which wood and core correspond to us.

What you may not know is that there’s more than just 13 different wand woods. There’s at least 38. But even with a wealth of wood and core combinations, only a handful of wands in a character’s possession are actually specified. But instead of listing every character wand from the Noble Collection, only wands with a wood, length, and core are included.

Now, here is every wand mentioned in Harry Potter and who it belongs to.

23. Bellatrix Lestrange

With a criminal record and cruelty that rivals that of Dolores Umbridge, Bellatrix is probably most known to fans as the one who killed Sirius Black. And they’re cousins. Death Eaters have some messed up family relationships.

Bellatrix’s wand is one of the few Death Eater wands we have specs on.

For the films, her wand was designed to look like a bird’s claw. The replicas are very nice to hold and include runes on them, much like Sirius Black’s.

22. Ron Weasley’s First Wand

In the first two books of the series, Ron didn’t have the wand he eventually bought from Ollivander. He started out his first year with a hand-me-down wand from his older brother, Charlie. That wand was made of ash, measured 12” in length, and had a unicorn hair core.

Though the core remains correct for Ron, Charlie’s wand never chose Ron. In fact, giving an ash wand to someone else makes the wand lose power, especially with a unicorn hair core. Ron was rigged from the start. Thankfully, he does get a second wand after his second year and doesn’t have to rely on Spell-O tape.

21. Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle)

As we all know, Lord Voldemort’s wand is a “brother” to Harry’s. It’s made of yew, 13 ½” in length, and has a phoenix feather core. Yew wands have fearsome reputations in regards to curses and dueling. Lovely. Why did Dumbledore let Tom stay as long as he did and let Hagrid take the fall for the Chamber of Secrets? Really?

But that’s not fair to the yew wood. Users may also be fiercely protective of others and it seems to be split between heroes and villains. But still, there was a 50/50 shot, how did Dumbledore not see that coming?

20. Draco Malfoy

Draco always seems to get the short end of the stick (or wand) when it comes to his reputation. In the books, he was second only to Hermione Granger in academic excellence and definitely gets more moments of sympathy leading up to The Deathly Hallows. He faces conflict between what his family wants him to be, who he wants to be, and who others see him to be.

His wand is hawthorn, 10” in length, with a unicorn hair core. Hawthorn is best suited for those going through a period of turmoil and have proven themselves to be formidable witches or wizards. Sounds like Draco.

19. Minerva McGonagall

Professor I’ve Always Wanted to Use That Spell! wields a fir wand, 9 ½” in length with a dragon heartstring core. Minerva McGonagall is a legend in her own right. From Quidditch to Transfiguration, she’s a marvel to behold and we all praise the ground Maggie Smith walks on for such a wonderful portrayal.

Fir wands have a penchant for Transfiguration and their owners tend to be focused, strong-minded, and maybe a little bit intimidating. Seems legit.

18. Gilderoy Lockhart

Gloriously portrayed by Kenneth Branagh, Gilderoy Lockhart is probably the most lovable blockhead of the series. There’s no doubt that he deserved his comeuppance via a backfired memory charm courtesy of Ron’s broken wand, but you can’t help but kind of love the guy.

Lockhart’s wand is cherry, 9” in length, with a dragon heartstring core. Interestingly enough, cherry and dragon heartstring make for a truly lethal combination. Lockhart could have been as good as the stories he told, but he didn’t apply himself correctly. We lost a potentially amazing wizard.

17. Quirinus Quirrell

Known most famously for the troll in the dungeon, but probably the most forgettable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, is Quirinus Quirrell. Making a deal with the devil really didn’t work in his favor and you can’t help but feel bad for the guy.

Quirrell’s wand is alder, 9” in length, with a unicorn hair core. Though alder makes for unyielding wands (will never switch loyalties between users), it actually prefers those with meeker natures. Most who use alder tend to be considerate and very likable. Makes you feel even worse for Quirrell.

16. Remus Lupin

Possibly known as Everyone’s Favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Remus Lupin wormed his way into our hearts with his caring nature and willingness to hand out chocolate every five minutes. As one of the Marauders, he was a good friend of the Potters and watched over Harry as well as he could. He’s also a werewolf, but hey, spoilers for Prisoner of Azkaban.

His wand is cypress, 10 ¾” in length, with a unicorn hair core. As some of you may know, Lupin died in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside his wife, Nymphadora Tonks. According to Ollivander, cypress wielders are brave, bold, and self-sacrificing and will most likely die a heroic death. It doesn’t really soften the blow…

15. Garrick Ollivander

At last, it is the great wand maker himself! Garrick Ollivander is built up as something of a legend. His store has a home in Diagon Alley, the first magical location we’re transported to in both the books and movies. The name Ollivander alone holds a special place in many fans’ hearts.

Ollivander’s wand is made of hornbeam, 12 ¾” in length, with a dragon heartstring core. He shares a wand wood and core with Viktor Krum.

14. Neville Longbottom

Also known as the true MVP of Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom was definitely puberty goals for anyone who grew up with the series. And he had a satisfying character arc, going from the meek little 11 year old everyone would step all over to a snake-slaying BAMF.

His first wand actually belonged to his father. Though the make of it is unknown, he never had the same struggle with it as Ron did with Charlie’s. But his second wand was cherry, 13” in length, with a unicorn hair core.

Cherry is a rare wand wood and a powerful one at that. If anyone had any question about Neville’s skill and ability, they’ve now been answered. This kid is awesome.

13. Sybill Trelawney

Famous for divining the prophecy that started it all, Sybill Trelawney is the Professor of Divination at Hogwarts. Her abilities as a Seer were passed down by her grandmother, though Sybill’s abilities seem to be more sporadic.

Her wand is hazel, 9 ½” in length, with a unicorn hair core. This combination of wood and core makes the wand unyielding to the point where if the wielded dies, the wand will “die” with them.

12. Peter Pettigrew

Now we have the one true rat, Peter Pettigrew. A Marauder turned Death Eater, Peter is most famous for betraying the Potters and ultimately can be blamed for their deaths. But on the other hand, he can also be blamed for Voldemort almost dying and putting an end to his reign of terror for a solid decade. Silver lining?

Peter’s wand is chestnut, 9 ¼” in length, with a dragon heartstring core. Fittingly, chestnut wands tend to choose wizards who are fond of luxury. Though Peter never showed that propensity, it’s worth noting since his allegiance could be swayed unlike Sirius Black or Remus Lupin’s. Surprisingly, it is one of the few on this list not sold by the Noble Collection. But Yaxley’s wand is, and he’s not even on the list. (Tom) Riddle me that one, Batman.

11. Lucius Malfoy

10/10 the coolest wand collectible to own, Lucius Malfoy spares no expense when it comes to fashion. Or fashioning, since his wand makes up the head of his cane. Get it? Cool.

Lucius Malfoy’s wand is elm, 18” in length, and has a dragon heartstring core. There’s a rumor that only pure-bloods can use elm wands, but obviously, that’s not true. They’re a safer wand though, resulting in the fewest accidents and errors. Charms and spells produced from these wands are often elegant. Sounds like Lucius Malfoy: all sparkle, no substance.

10. Horace Slughorn

Let’s be real: Slughorn was probably one of the most important characters concerning the Voldemort horcruxes. Though introduced as a bit cowardly and self-serving, Slughorn does stick to his guns in the end and both aids in and survives the Battle of Hogwarts. See? Not all Slytherins turn out evil!

Slughorn’s wand is cedar, 10 ¼” in length, with a dragon heartstring core. Cedar users have the potential to be a worthy, intimidating adversary, though their natures would not suggest this. So good on you Slughorn, you funky little professor.

9. Dolores Umbridge

Probably the most loathed of all the antagonists in the series, Dolores Umbridge gives even Regina George a run for her money. A lover of cats, the color pink, and ruthless tyrannical order, nobody was surprised when she survived and thrived under Voldemort’s regime.

Her wand is birchwood, 8” in length, with a dragon heartstring core. Though birchwood isn’t on the Pottermore list, it is an original wand (not based on a character) at Universal Parks & Resorts. The description of renewal and a user’s energy being bestowed upon others doesn’t fit with Umbridge, but she must have some extra energy if she was able to tote around a horcrux for a while.

8. Cedric Diggory

Ah yes, the only famous Hufflepuff until Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them entered the scene. Since all Triwizard Champions had their wands checked at the start of the competition, we actually know all four wand specs.

Cedric had an ash wand, 12 ¼” in length, with a unicorn hair core. Those with ash wands trend to be stubborn, but never arrogant, fitting for a Hufflepuff. The replica of Cedric’s wand has a very simple design with runes along the base.

7. Fleur Delacour

From the French wizarding school of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Fleur Delacour was chosen as the school’s Triwizard Champion. She later married Bill Weasley and the wedding becomes a major action set piece in the final book.

Her wand is rosewood, 9 ½” in length, with a Veela hair core. The Veela hair actually comes from her grandmother, so take that as you will. Fleur’s wand is one of the few from the main series (not Fantastic Beasts) that has a different core type than Ollivander’s preferred three.

6. Viktor Krum

Last of the Triwizard Champions, but not the least, is Durmstrang’s Viktor Krum. Krum’s wand is made from hornbeam wood, measures 10 ¼” and has a dragon heartstring core. Hornbeam prefers those with a sole passion in life, like Viktor Krum and Quidditch. It takes a lot to be a student and a world famous Seeker.

He shares a wand wood and core with Garrick Ollivander.

5. Seraphina Picquery

The only one on the list from Fantastic Beasts is MACUSA President Seraphina Piicquery. Surprisingly, no other film character has actually had their wand specs defined.

Picquery’s wand is swamp mayhaw, 13 ½” in length, with a Rougarou hair core. Violetta Beauvais of New Orleans is the maker of Picquery’s wand. The wand itself has a propensity for Dark magic, though many heroic wielders have possessed one. The rougarou is a dog-headed monster of the Louisiana swamps.

4. Ron’s Second Wand

This is the wand depicted in The Noble Collection as Ron Weasley’s wand. Made of willow, 14” in length, and possessing a unicorn hair core, the wand was sold to Ron by Ollivander after the Spell-O tape year with Charlie’s hand-me-down.

Fitting with Ron’s character, willow wands tend to choose those with insecurities and great potential over cockiness. They are also good for casting non-verbal spells, as we see the trio learn and do later in the series. In the movies, Ron appears particularly skilled in this aspect of magic.

3. Hermione Granger

One of the most popular wands purchased in the history of forever, Hermione Granger’s wand consists of vine wood, 10 ¾” in length, and has a dragon heartstring core. Vine chooses those who tend to burn the candle at both ends and want more from life.

Coming from the Muggle world into the wizarding one, Hermione constantly pushes herself to be the best of the best. She achieved the highest grades of her year and was an integral part of the trio’s success.

2. Harry Potter

The Boy Who Lived. The Chosen One. The kid who got thrust into a world not of his own making and had such responsibility heaped on his shoulders. It’s Harry Potter. His wand is holly, 11”, with a phoenix feather core. Holly wands are rare and choose those meant for something beyond them.

The core drastically changes the holly wand and lo and behold, a phoenix feather core clashes with the nature of the wood. The unusual combination of both makes the user near unstoppable. Don’t get too worried, the wand itself is protective in nature and helps those most in need of overcoming anger. Harry did that back in Order of the Phoenix, so we’re chill.

1. The Elder Wand

The Elder Wand remains the most sought-after and easily recognizable wand among wizards and fans. It’s composed of elder wood and a Thestral hair core. Elder itself is a rare wand wood, encapsulating the energies of life and death and meant for those with a “special destiny.”

Ollivander never used Thestral hair as a core during the series, though Thestrals themselves have a strange connection to death and remain invisible to those who have not witnessed death. It probably influences the wand’s power, given that Death supposedly created it. Whatever its true potential was or could be, Harry returning the Elder Wand to Dumbledore’s grave is for the better.