Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead II is one of the most adored horror cult-classics ever made. Among critics and horror fans alike, the movie is largely considered the best chapter in the Evil Dead trilogy. One of the reasons for this is the plethora of mortifying jumpscares featured in the film. Do you have a favorite?

Although the sequel was made six years after the original, it ups the ante in just about every category. From humorous chills to horrifying thrills, Evil Dead II takes everything that worked well in the original and multiplied it tenfold. Deadites, demons, witches and more. Here are the 10 Best Jumscares in Evil Dead II!

Annie Stumbles Into Possessed Ash

Just when Annie thought it was safe to breathe a sigh of relief, possessed Ash ruins the day!

Towards the end of the film, Annie thinks the mayhem is over once Jake’s corpse is devoured by Henrietta. The violent action dies down, leaving Annie to catch her breath and reflect. But, as she slowly ambles across the room, she turns her body and walks right into a possessed Ash. Possessed Ash growls as a crackle of lightning strikes right when he appears onscreen.

Headless Linda With Chainsaw

Roughly 20 minutes into the film, Ash is mercilessly attacked inside the toolshed. When he reaches out for a chainsaw to protect himself, a sinister surprise nearly gives him a heart attack.

Ash ably transports Linda’s severed head into the toolshed and clamps it down with a vice. Just as Ash goes for the chainsaw to slice up Linda’s head, he notices the power tool is missing. In no time, the shed door violently swings open with a loud thud. Linda’s headless body storms into the shed and attacks Ash with the chainsaw in tow.

Mirror Ash Lunges Out

One of the best jumpscares in Evil Dead II became so memorable that Sam Raimi reused the same technique in Spider-Man. Tricky!

Following a brutal demonic attack, Ash wanders in front of a circular mirror. As he examines his flesh wounds carefully, he grabs the edges of the mirror with both hands. A few calm seconds pass before the image of Ash reflected in the mirror suddenly lunges out and grabs the “real” Ash by the shoulders. Simple, but brilliant! Raimi composed a similar shot with the Green Goblin in Spider-Man.

Ash Stabs Possessed Hand

Another excellent jumpscare in the film comes after a masterful piece of misdirection. Raim can manipulate expectations like no other!

When Ash’s hand becomes demonically possessed, he does everything he can to prevent it from harming. A hilarious self-battle ensues, leaving Ash wounded on the kitchen floor. Suddenly, Ash’s possessed hand begins dragging his body towards a meat-cleaver. As the hand moves closer, we anticipate it will grab the cleaver and hurt Ash. Yet, just before the possessed hand grabs the cleaver, Ash’s non-possessed hand suddenly stabs the demonic one.

Linda Scares Ash In Window

One of the biggest hair-raising jumpscares in Evil Dead II comes after a relatively calm moment of levity. Talk about letting your guard down!

After zombified Linda does a cartoonish waltz outside the cabin, Ash looks out the window at her. A lulling moment of silence falls before Linda’s malevolent face suddenly appears through the fog. Her wicked pale face, white eyeballs, and jagged teeth suddenly appear, in close-up, right before Ash in the window frame. “Dance with Me,” she cackles before pulling Ash’s head through the window.

Linda’s Head Drops Into Ash’s Lap

Less than one minute after the previous jumpscare in which Linda’s possessed visage terrifies Ash in the window, an even harrier moment occurs. Sam Raimi never lets up!

In the moments following Linda’s attack, Ash settles into a false sense of security. The chaos subsides for a moment, during which Ash takes a rest on a rocking chair. As he exhales and gathers himself, Ash is suddenly mortified when Linda’s decapitated head abruptly falls from the ceiling into his lap. The jarring sound FX that punctuate the shot makes the jumpscare extra frightening.

Henrietta Pops Up Through Cellar

One of the most bloodcurdling jumpscares in Evil Dead II comes right around the 40-minute mark. Henrietta is not to be messed with!

Just as Annie thinks she’s safe, she begins to amble across the cabin floor. A brief moment of quietude is interrupted when Henrietta’s possessed body suddenly juts up through the cellar floor. The terror is amplified by an unnerving sound cue as the decrepit demon quickly appears at the bottom of the screen. If that wasn’t alarming enough, just as Annie tries to escape, Henrietta’s arm flies into the frame for one last chill.

Possessed Ed Frightens Annie

Another bone-chilling jumpscare occurs right after possessed Henrietta retreats into the cellar. Annie decries that the beast is not her mother, even if it appears to be. The deception doesn’t end there!

Just as Annie turns away from Henrietta to warn Ash of her evilness, a possessed Ed abruptly pops up into the frame from below. A loud, unsettling sound accompanies the shot, which prominently features Ed’s grotesque face and large rotten teeth. The way the camera moves towards Ed before he rapidly appears is what makes the shot so terrifying.

Possessed Ash Accosts Jake

The secret to many of Evil Dead II’s jumpscares has to do with subtle camera movement. That, and forcing the audience to let their guard down.

One prime example of this occurs when Ash scares the living daylights out of Jake near the end of the film. By now, we expect Ash to remain heroic, so, when he becomes possessed one more time, it’s horrifying, and the way Ash’s possessed body suddenly shoots up from the bottom of the frame to mortify Jake is doubly arresting.

Henrietta Drags Jake Into Cellar

Henrietta’s first jumpscare was quite alarming, but what her possessed body does with Jake is even scarier!

Right after possessed Ash suddenly appears in the cabin window and terrifies Annie (itself a good jumpscare), she carries Jake’s corpse into the cabin. His head falls near the cellar door, and Annie grabs an ax and looks around the room. Suddenly, Henrietta bursts through the cellar door and viciously drags Jake under. The loud crashing noise and demonic scream make the jumpscare extra freaky.