By using an array, you can refer to the related values by the same name. You can use an index or subscript to tell them apart. The individual values are referred as the elements of the Excel VBA array. They are contiguous from index 0 through the highest index value. In this VBA Programming tutorial, you will learn-

What are Advantages of arrays?
Types of Arrays in VBA How to use Array in Excel VBA Testing our application

What are Advantages of arrays?

The following are some of the benefits offered by VBA array function

Group logically related data together – let’s say you want to store a list of students. You can use a single array variable that has separate locations for student categories i.e. kinder garden, primary, secondary, high school, etc. Arrays make it easy to write maintainable code. For the same logically related data, it allows you to define a single variable, instead of defining more than one variable. Better performance – once an array has been defined, it is faster to retrieve, sort, and modify data.

Syntax to declare arrays

Static – These types of arrays have a fixed pre-determined number of elements that can be stored. One cannot change the size of the data type of a Static Array. These are useful when you want to work with known entities such as the number of days in a week, gender, etc.For Example: Dim ArrayMonth(12) As String Dynamic – These types of arrays do not have a fixed pre-determined number of elements that can be stored. These are useful when working with entities that you cannot predetermine the number.For Example: Dim ArrayMonth() As Variant

Static arrays The syntax for declaring STATIC arrays is as follows:

Dim arrayName (n) as datatype

HERE, Dynamic arrays The syntax for declaring DYNAMIC arrays is as follows:

Dim arrayName() as datatype ReDim arrayName(4)

HERE, Array Dimensions An array can be one dimension, two dimensions or multidimensional.

One dimension: In this dimension, the array uses only one index. For example, a number of people of each age. Two dimensions: In this dimension, the array uses two indexes. For example, a number of students in each class. It requires number of classes and student number in each class Multi-dimension: In this dimension, the array uses more than two indexes. For example, temperatures during the daytime. ( 30, 40, 20).

How to use Array in Excel VBA

We will create a simple application. This application populates an Excel sheet with data from an array variable. In this VBA Array example, we are going to do following things.

Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook and save it as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) Add a command button to the workbook Set the name and caption properties of the command button Programming the VBA that populates the Excel sheet

Let do this exercise step by step, Step 1 – Create a new workbook

Open Microsoft Excel Save the new workbook as VBA Arrays.xlsm

Step 2 – Add a command button Note: This section assumes you are familiar with the process of creating an interface in excel. If you are not familiar, read the tutorial VBA Excel Form Control & ActiveX Control. It will show you how to create the interface

Add a command button to the sheet

Set the name property to cmdLoadBeverages Set the caption property to Load Beverages

Your GUI should now be as follows

Step 3 – Save the file

Click on save as button Choose Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) as shown in the image below

Step 4 – Write the code We will now write the code for our application

Right click on Load Beverages button and select view code Add the following code to the click event of cmdLoadBeverages

Private Sub cmdLoadBeverages_Click() Dim Drinks(1 To 4) As String

Drinks(1) = "Pepsi"
Drinks(2) = "Coke"
Drinks(3) = "Fanta"
Drinks(4) = "Juice"
Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Value = "My Favorite Beverages"
Sheet1.Cells(2, 1).Value = Drinks(1)
Sheet1.Cells(3, 1).Value = Drinks(2)
Sheet1.Cells(4, 1).Value = Drinks(3)
Sheet1.Cells(5, 1).Value = Drinks(4)

End Sub


Testing our application

Select the developer tab and ensure that the Design mode button is “off.” The indicator is, it will have a white background and not a coloured (greenish) background. (See image below)

Click on Load Beverages button You will get the following results

Download Excel containing above code Download the above Excel Code


An array is a variable capable of storing more than one value Excel VBA supports static and dynamic arrays Arrays make it easy to write maintainable code compared to declaring a lot of variables for data that is logically related.